Tuesday, October 23, 2007


The battle continues with Mcgee. He is having his second surgery probably next Friday, to remove his remaining eye. He is in pain, I think, so it's for the best. The good news is that the price is about half it was for the first one. Why, I don't know. I'm not gonna ask. (Pity?)

The problems continue, having a blind dog. I come home every day to pee and poop like EVERYWHERE in the kitchen/bathroom. It's linoleum so it's cleanable, but I am washing the floors every night, several times. Now, Mcgee wasn't very well trained to begin with, and now he's just saying fuck it, and walking in it, and tracking it ALL over. I took a shower with him and Ellie tonight (good times), because they both smelled like pee and poopies.

Im hoping he gets the hang of the place soon. It will be very discouraging to have to scrape and mop poops every night. The place is starting to smell. Ewww.

In other news...work is a major pain in the ass and Im busy as hell. Im plotting a week off for no reason other than to BREATHE. That should be soon actually...

The car is running smoothly (knock on wood). She's got 189,200 miles as of tonight.

1 comment:

Barbie said...

Poor guy! I hope that he feels better after the 2nd surgery, we'll be thinking of you.