Friday, March 23, 2007

SO Smaht

I got into graduate school, everyone. *clap clap* hehe.

Good times!

I feel validated, I have to admit. I know lots of people out there get into grad school no problemo, but I actually know a lot of people who dont get into USM for some programs because theyre so small and selective. Yay for me.

I did unfortunately learn that to be vested in Maine State Retirement for 100% health care benefits, you only have to work 10 years where I work already...and once I am done with school, I will have vested 9 YEARS. So...Im thinking I mis-stepped a bit. But...I can always work another year before venturing out into guidance counselor land.

Then again, 3-4 years from now...I could have like...a kid or be poppin one, and live in a house with a white picket fence and change all my plans??? Holy crap.

Im getting old!



About said...

wooo hooo! congratulations on getting into the program ... I'm sure it'll be nice to be on a fresh track! I actually heard about your getting in from Leslie last night at the Maineiacs game, congrats again.

Jason The Riault said...

Angie all preggered up & domesticated?

I can see that. =)