Saturday, August 09, 2008

Vacation! Day One.

Im on vacation! Finally! My first 2-week vacation from DHHS, ever. Im psyched!

So, my first day - get this - the SUN came out!! It seems like it hasnt been out for weeks!! I slept in until noon (nice), cleaned the house, did the laundry (brought the doggies with me, it was kind of fun), and was able to breathe.

I dont have a whole lot of plans for this vaca - softball monday night, Tyler monday night and Chuck-e-Cheese Tuesday, work on Thursday (yea, doesnt fit does it? I have a hearing in the afternoon unfortunately), cousin's b-day party at Club Texas (toast) on Friday, my birthday on Saturday (softball in the AM, and Portsmouth overnight!!), and...that's it! Next week is empty so far.

Oh, and I got a hair cut last monday. It's different, and high maintenence sort of. Which, as you know, is not me! Im doing what I can. And dont ask how much it costs. All I will say is it was done in the old port.

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