Saturday, June 09, 2007


Do do do.

Some things have changed since I was last on here. Firstly, there will be no more posts of me and Matt having a grand old time, because we're not. So! It's okay though. I truthfully feel quite relieved and less stressed being out of the relationship.

Work's going really well. Maybe it's the nice weather, but it's fun with my coworkers, things on my caseload are going on without a's quite pleasant.

I have reached a major milestone - I owe less than $2 grand on my Saab! Woo hoo!

I bought a new lap top yesterday at Best Buy. It's a Gateway, it's wireless, it's fabulous. It's so much faster than my 2002 Compaq piece or crap, it's amazing. I was blaming time warner, and should have been blaming the machine for that wicked slowness. Im amused that my meez on myspace actually moves freely without freezing now. Yes, its the important things, like my meez, that makes this $800 purchase worth while.

We've missed the last couple softball games - holiday and weather. Looking forward to Monday's game. Am enjoying things, and again, the bonding with coworkers is really quite nice.

As for trips or whatever...not really. Though I am scheduled to go to Hot-Lanta in a couple weeks for work, and when down there will meet up with my cousin JR and it should be a really good time. Havent seen him in several years. Also, am plotting a trip to VEGAS BABY in October. Actually tagging along with a friend. Who cares man. Opportunity knocks. Am taking 4th of July week off, and will be the first vacation since Christmas! I am in desperate need for this one. No plans, and I like it that way.

School goes well. It's brutal actually. There's tons of work involved, projects, etc. Its sort of a pain in the ass. But, hey. Im learning some new things and only going into half as much debt as I did for undergrad. So. Thats good I think.

Enough of this babbling. Especially since I think Im the only one who reads these. And I already have a good idea of what's going on in my life. ;)

1 comment:

Christine Theriault Burke said...

you're not the only one who reads this! we just don't make a lot of noise. :)