Rock on, I finally discovered blogging from my BlackBerry. And just in time, too, since I have mad time to kill in the Sarasota airport!
Trip to Florida was great, but the weather was kind of chilly...not Maine chilly but in the 50s for the most part with a lot of wind. Didn't get to try out my new bathing suit, but did manage to burn my nose and cheeks (face cheeks!!!) yesterday during a day trip to Clearwater Beach and area...
Spent some QT with my Grandparents which is always nice. Saw some jungle animals, got some Bingo in, and of course hit the outlet stores next door! PS there is now a Lacoste outlet! Woo! For those of you who usually see me in clothing not resembling a preppy rich girl, I do like to buy the stuff, and whip it out on when I have more than 15 minutes to get ready in the morning (which would limit me to weekends btw). here I sit because the plane im supposed to be taking off in 6 minutes from now has just left Charlotte NC after standing in line to get de-iced. Its sunny and warmish in Maine, and snowing in friggin NC. Damn you, Al Gore!
So, I'm now slated to leave somewhere around 315 or something. We'll see! I suspect getting into Portland later than expected tonight, which will suck for 1)Nick who is picking me up and 2)me who misses my doggies terribly!!!!
So, for now I'm rockin out to some DEF LEP on the 'phones, blogging, texting, and facebooking to stay busy. I love my BlackBerry!!!!!!! You should get one.
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Sunday, February 07, 2010
What the...its a new post!
So, coincidentally, my last post was in October 2008...and I cleaned out my fridge today which included tossing out a coke bottle of Sunny D that I bought for my JUNO October 2008. It must be fate.
Or something. have you all been? I dont even know who's on here anymore. I have become obsessively addicted to facebook (online and on blackberry), so I ditched the lengthy process of logging into this thing, posting links to pictures, formatting, blah blah. But...I cant really rant or rave much on fb, or...when I do, people hide me or delete me. Which is fine, don't get me wrong, but Id rather have a captive audience for my daily tidbit observations a la Seinfeld than pissing people off with my incessant chatter so much that they feel they need to delete me AS A PERSON FROM THEIR LIVES!!!!!!!!
Which, by the way, someone Ive been friends with for 10 years did, because his girlfriend wasnt comfortable with him having "ex people" on his facebook friends list. We dated for like...2 months. We were friends before that...for 10 years. UM...OKAY! Wtf, people?
McGee is eating his nylabone on top of the Lorax stuffed animal I bought him and Ellie. This is awesome. Seriously. What would I do if I didnt have the dogs to entertain me? (Id like to imagine I would have some sort of life, in which I would enjoy skiing, hiking, etc...but I doubt that.)
I think Ill leave it at that for now..this was kind of enjoyable, so maybe Ill actually get back on and keep it updated. I have a vacation coming up so that could be fun. :)
Until next time ----
Or something. have you all been? I dont even know who's on here anymore. I have become obsessively addicted to facebook (online and on blackberry), so I ditched the lengthy process of logging into this thing, posting links to pictures, formatting, blah blah. But...I cant really rant or rave much on fb, or...when I do, people hide me or delete me. Which is fine, don't get me wrong, but Id rather have a captive audience for my daily tidbit observations a la Seinfeld than pissing people off with my incessant chatter so much that they feel they need to delete me AS A PERSON FROM THEIR LIVES!!!!!!!!
Which, by the way, someone Ive been friends with for 10 years did, because his girlfriend wasnt comfortable with him having "ex people" on his facebook friends list. We dated for like...2 months. We were friends before that...for 10 years. UM...OKAY! Wtf, people?
McGee is eating his nylabone on top of the Lorax stuffed animal I bought him and Ellie. This is awesome. Seriously. What would I do if I didnt have the dogs to entertain me? (Id like to imagine I would have some sort of life, in which I would enjoy skiing, hiking, etc...but I doubt that.)
I think Ill leave it at that for now..this was kind of enjoyable, so maybe Ill actually get back on and keep it updated. I have a vacation coming up so that could be fun. :)
Until next time ----
Sunday, November 16, 2008
In October, Eben and I flew out to see Emily and her new fiancee Stilian, in their home in Ann Arbor Michigan. We spent a long weekend out there (about 4 days), and really enjoyed it!
The Saturday we were there, there was a big game: Michigan State vs. UMichigan. What made it bigger was that State won the game, and they had not won against UM AT UM in like 20 years!! Insane. The celebrations around town were pretty cool. Also, the fighting among drunk fans was pretty comical.
Eben and I got to help Emily pick out her wedding dress!! Very cool. She looks beautiful, I cant wait for the wedding. It's going to be in the end of June on an island off Midcoast Maine. And, Im going to be a bridesmaid!
Here are some pictures from the trip:
We carved pumpkins together (well, I watched Eben and Emily do it).
Here is Emily and her scary cat pumkin:
And Eben with his Nightmare Before Christmas-inspired pumpkin:
Eben and I posing in front of "Beaner's" Coffee downtown Ann Arbor:
Here is a picture of the VERY FIRST Border's store!!! Ooh, ahhh...
Just a cool ass looking movie theatre downtown:
Ann Arbor is extremely liberal, and stuff like this was EVERYWHERE:
University of Michigan - Go Wolverines!
The gorgeous ceiling of the UM Law Library - I wish the photo did it justice!!It was soooooo quiet in there with all the studious students!!!
Just a nice building on campus:
Here's what we did most of the time: sat and chilled, and had beer and wine....awesome:
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Halloween Fun
Sunday, October 19, 2008
3 Car Sandwich.
You know, most of the time, Im honored, nay excited, by the prospect of being the middle of a sandwich. You take that however you like. But...Saturday (yesterday), me and my Saab were the peanut butter and jelly to a Mercury and a Honda SUV.
We were all headed together from a wedding to a reception. For those of you from Lewiston-Auburn, you are aware there are a couple of different ways to get to Martindale. I was thinking we were headed for the further one, called Martindale (rd., dr., who knows?). My friend Laurel, whose husband was driving the Mercury, told Bob (the husband) "we missed the turn! turn around!" when we passed the first road, Beech Hill Rd. I, of course, was admiring those stupid big planes by the airport, and not paying attention. All of a sudden, I see that Bob is stopped cold in front of me. Me going full speed. I slammed on the brakes, let out a colorful dose of explitives, and bam! Hit the Mercury with the passenger side front of the Saab. Then, BAM! again! The CRV hits me from behind.
First of all, I thought Bob was fucking with me, and I was rip shit. See, we play jokes on each other and such, and just before this at the 4 way intersection, he sat at the stop sign for like 30 extra seconds to amuse himself. Turns out he was not a psycho and just stopping to piss me off, he was genuinely stopped, he says he had his blinker on (who knows, I wasnt paying attention obviously), and we all actually had a lot of laughs. Seriously.
So, we all had a good half hour to wait for the Auburn PD while we joked around and inspected the damages. I felt okay at the time, highly impressed at the structural integrity and safety of the Saab. Today though, Im feeling pretty sore in my neck and back. Just overall kind of achy. And looking at the car again today is depressing. The back bumper is coming off (slightly), and my passenger headlight is smashed. It still works though! There is a big dent in the front next to the light. The back bumper is all scratched up.
I ordered a replacement headlamp assembly - not OEM - for $300!!!!! Christ. Just a friendly reminder that even though that Saab is paid off, it will always be a Saab. And steal generously from my wallet.
Here's some pictures for your perusal:
Oh, and in case you are wondering, we did all make it to the reception, which was beautiful. We even made it in before the wedding party was announced! (bonus). Bob bought me a shot 'o Jack, and I had a shitload of Cran and Vodkas. Here's a couple pictures from that:
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Ice, Ice Baby...
Yeah, that's right. That's Vanilla Ice, a/k/a Rob Van Winkle. He was at Mixers in Sabattus last Friday night, and it was AWESOME!!!! He was shit faced. But cool. And, though it was only supposed to be a meet and greet, he surprised us with a sweet song...I bet you know goes a little somethin like this: "Allright stop: collaborate and LISTEN! Ice is back with my brand new invention!..."
You know you are jealous. Just admit it.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Vacation! Day One.
Im on vacation! Finally! My first 2-week vacation from DHHS, ever. Im psyched!
So, my first day - get this - the SUN came out!! It seems like it hasnt been out for weeks!! I slept in until noon (nice), cleaned the house, did the laundry (brought the doggies with me, it was kind of fun), and was able to breathe.
I dont have a whole lot of plans for this vaca - softball monday night, Tyler monday night and Chuck-e-Cheese Tuesday, work on Thursday (yea, doesnt fit does it? I have a hearing in the afternoon unfortunately), cousin's b-day party at Club Texas (toast) on Friday, my birthday on Saturday (softball in the AM, and Portsmouth overnight!!), and...that's it! Next week is empty so far.
Oh, and I got a hair cut last monday. It's different, and high maintenence sort of. Which, as you know, is not me! Im doing what I can. And dont ask how much it costs. All I will say is it was done in the old port.
So, my first day - get this - the SUN came out!! It seems like it hasnt been out for weeks!! I slept in until noon (nice), cleaned the house, did the laundry (brought the doggies with me, it was kind of fun), and was able to breathe.
I dont have a whole lot of plans for this vaca - softball monday night, Tyler monday night and Chuck-e-Cheese Tuesday, work on Thursday (yea, doesnt fit does it? I have a hearing in the afternoon unfortunately), cousin's b-day party at Club Texas (toast) on Friday, my birthday on Saturday (softball in the AM, and Portsmouth overnight!!), and...that's it! Next week is empty so far.
Oh, and I got a hair cut last monday. It's different, and high maintenence sort of. Which, as you know, is not me! Im doing what I can. And dont ask how much it costs. All I will say is it was done in the old port.
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