Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Here's a little glimpse of what I've been up to during the past few months:

This winter, my Grampie's lung cancer came back. He's been doing chemotherapy for many months, and I saw him quite a bit during his treatments and spending time with him. His tumors shrunk big time, and he has stopped the chemo, and is feeling a ton better! We're all very happy about that.

We had a nice Easter with my Mom's side of the family out in Oxford, with a nice breakfast buffet then an Easter Egg hunt. It was FREEZING outside, but it didnt stop the kids from enjoying the day.

Here is a cute one of Tyler sharing his goodies with my Grampie:

A little shih tzu update: the kids are doing very well. They recently got hair cuts, but here is each of them beforehand, one of Ellie basking in the sun, and one of Mcgee being rudely awakened from a nap!

In the end of March, I went to Florida to visit with my grandparents and to soak up some sun for some MUCH needed R&R.

After several days, I really missed being back home, and was able to catch up with some work friends the night after I got back:

A couple weekends ago, I spent some time with Tyler and we got some cute pictures taken together:

Finishing up my round of pictures is last night at softball - well, mostly post-softball pictures. I did great, for once! I got 3 good hits, and two runs! I have a good feeling about this season. A bunch of us went out to Fast Breaks after the game, and here are some silly pictures of us (and the Iron Man figurine I found in the dirt who turned out to be my good luck charm):

My work update is that the past 6 weeks have been absolutely brutal. Isnt that always the way when you get back from vacation? Ive had to do some pretty tough (emotionally) things, and its been kind of a whirlwind. That at the same time as finishing up my two classes for the semester and doing a bunch of writing was kind of shitty. BUT, the good news is I have decided to take the summer off (from school, that is!) so I can relax when I get home, do absolutely nothing if I so choose, and can enjoy my time! I am going to take another week sometime this summer for vacation.

Oh, I have caught up on Lost by watching every single episode on abc.com over the past few months. It rocks!

And...Vote for David Cook on American Idol!
..Seacrest out!