Hey all - thought I'd post some pictures of the dogs since it's been a while. Mcgee looks pretty normal, and walks around like he has eyes. He looks right at ya when you talk to him, still tries to peek out the window in the car (kind of weird), and can follow other dogs or humans around quite smartly. He definately walks into shit a lot, but its become more comical than tragic. Does that make me a bad mother? Eh.
Here is one of Mcgee outside, with the slide that he bumps into a lot:

This is Mcgee my gay boy trying to hump Jared's dog Beau. Beau is such a trooper to put up with Mcgee's blind gayness.
Here's Mcgee looking through his toybox:

And, here's my babies, pooped and sleepin on the couch, as usual: